magaceyga waa abdiqadar mohamed ahmed

Aniga magaceyga waa abdiqadar mohamed ahmed oo joga somaliya gaar ahaan gobalka gedo sanadkeyga waa 19 waxan raba gabar 18 jir ah oo dabeecad leh thanks


  1. Anonymous8/26/2014

    I am somali girl I am very religious person very strict as wel alhamdulilah with the blessing of allah swt I have 6 kids masha allah , I am 27years old iam looking some one who fears from allah who knows whats the responsibility means and understanding who can be a roll model 4 my kids and what to come I am not asking reach person values of materials but reach as his personality respect me and my kids and my relatives and have good relationship. Jizzakalahu kheyran

    Sent from Samsung tablet

    1. pease contact me email

  2. Anonymous8/26/2014

    were are you from

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