DIYSEO SEO Report Card free Tool

DIYSEO offers a free website grader that analyzes a site and presents its findings in an SEO report card. This report card displays a letter grade, which is generated based on the site’s adherence to best practices in the following 6 categories:

    Current Rank – This category identifies whether or not the site is ranking in Google and Bing for the targeted keyword.
    Link Building – This section checks if the site is receiving a sufficient number of backlinks.
    On-site – This simply checks if the targeted keyword is being used in the homepage’s title and body.
    Accessibility – This category ensures that the site’s homepage loads quickly and is accessible to search engines.
    Trust Metrics – This section checks if the site is reasonably well established.
    Current Indexing – This simply checks if the site is being indexed in Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.


  1. Get your Free SEO report in 3 steps. We provide free and instant online reports of
    webpage rankings in top 5 Search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo.
    Search Engine Optimization is the practice of improving the visibility (traffic) of
    a web site, or page, in search engines organically.

    Free SEO Report

  2. DIYSEO offers a free website grader that analyzes a site and presents its findings in an SEO report card. This report card displays a letter grade, which is generated based on the site’s adherence to best practices in the following 6 categories: orlando seo expert

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